How to Get Rid of Greasy Hair in 7 Simple Steps

How to Get Rid of Greasy Hair in 7 Simple Steps


We love the smooth, silky texture of our hair when it is fresh and well-maintained after a trip to the hair salon. Unfortunately, we also have to deal with slick greasy roots from time to time. This buildup of grease can make our hair look limp, messy, and tortured. The oiliness only gets worse over time, and we’ll want to get rid of all this icky grease in our hair as soon as possible.

It’s important to understand that not all grease may be bad. Our hair produces natural oils that are key to maintaining strong, luxurious locks. These oils are generated by the sebaceous glands in our skin, which release sebum, or oil. Healthy glands produce healthy levels of oil. Conversely, overactive sebaceous glands may cause hair to get greasy faster than you’d like.

Luckily, there are some easy ways to manage your greasy scalp and slow down the oil production over time. Follow this guide on how to get rid of greasy hair in seven simple steps:


Step #1: Clean your greasy hairbrushes.

Clean your greasy hairbrushes.


To get rid of greasy hair, start by cleaning your collection of hair combs and brushes. Hairbrushes are notorious breeding grounds for dirt, oil, and buildup of old products. If you haven’t been cleaning your hairbrush, you’re constantly transferring the dirty residue back to your scalp, which will only speed up your grease cycle.

Make a habit of bringing your hairbrush into the shower with you. Give the bristles a good wash with a small squirt of shampoo, or any gentle soap that will help to lift off the grime. Consistently pulling any loose hair out of your brush will also keep it clean.


Step #2: Get those hands off your greasy hair!

Get those hands off your greasy hair


If you’re prone to greasy hair, your hands will only make matters worse. Even if you’re vigilant about hand washing, your hands are touching things all day long, making them hot spots for germs and oil. When you touch and adjust your hair throughout the day, you transfer this oil and bacteria to your scalp and hair. This oil builds up over time and contributes to the dreaded shiny coating on your hair.

We know it’s hard to keep your hands off those buttery soft locks of yours, but you should try to get rid of this habit. If you’re a constant hair fidgeter, consider keeping your hair up and out of the way. The updo is one of the best hairstyles for greasy hair resistance, since you’re less likely touch the hair with your fingers.


Step #3: Rinse your greasy hair with conviction.

Rinse your greasy hair with conviction.


Remember that familiar instruction on the shampoo bottle: “rinse and repeat”? Well, here is one rule that you should follow to get rid of greasy hair. If you’re leaving too much residue behind with each wash, the grease will only build up faster. As you wash your hair, go for a second round of hair rinsing. You can apply a smaller amount of shampoo during your second rinse, which helps to tackle the tough grease build-up on your scalp.

When applying conditioner, ensure you’re only massaging it onto the ends of your strands, while avoiding the scalp area. Your natural oils will take care of nourishing your roots, so there’s no need to add any extra moisturization. With conditioner, one application is often enough per washing cycle. If your ends are really parched, then you may want to occasionally add a deep conditioner treatment to the end of your routine.


Step #4: Try a shampoo for oily roots.

Try a shampoo for oily roots.


Numerous hair care products are available to fix your greasy hair and keep those oily roots under control. Using a high-quality shampoo is essential, often complemented by a powerful hair conditioner. At the Shamas Boutique, you’ll find a selection of the best hair products for oily roots. These products can eliminate the greasy buildup and improve the overall appearance of your hair.

If you are looking for an everyday shampoo to mend your greasy locks, the BALANCING.WASH Shampoo by KEVIN.MURPHY comes highly recommended. Packed with antioxidants, this shampoo works effectively to cleanse the hair and minimize any excess oil. Known for its versatility, this product is suitable for all types of hair. As an added bonus, it even protects your hair from colour fade!

Do you suffer from the double whammy of oily roots and dry ends? You’ll enjoy the Specifique Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo by Kerastase with strong nourishing properties. This silicone-free shampoo is packed with vitamin and protein formula. Ideal for those with sensitized hair, you can use this shampoo to gently cleanse an oily scalp, resulting in smoother hair that is free of grease.


Step #5: Hold off on washing your hair too much.

Hold off on washing your hair too much.


If you have heavy oil build-up on the day following your hair wash, you should prolong the periods between washes. If you’re washing daily or every other day, you continuously strip away your natural oils. This causes your sebaceous glands to go into overdrive, attempting to make up for the loss of moisture.

By cutting down your number of washes to 2-3 times per week, you can train your glands to slow down on the oil production. This means your hair won’t look as greasy by the second day, or even the third day.


Step #6: Apply dry shampoo to get rid of greasy hair.

Apply dry shampoo to get rid of greasy hair.


If you haven’t tried dry shampoo yet, you’ll love its ability to get rid of greasy hair. This little wonder-product helps to absorb scalp grease, while also giving your roots a great boost of volume. Dry shampoo is an essential hair care product, especially if you’re trying to prolong periods between washes and need something to take the shine away.

Typically, dry shampoos come in liquid form, which can be dried into a powder that is massaged into the scalp. If you’re in search of a budget-friendly option, baby powder also does the trick. However, you must ensure that it’s used sparingly and massaged very well into the roots.


Step #7: Get rid of the styling products as much as possible.

Get rid of the styling products as much as possible.


As stylists, we understand better than anyone, how tempting it is to add a pump of mousse, some serum, a little texturizing cream, and maybe a spritz of hairspray to finish off your look. As wonderful as each of these styling products are, it should be used in moderation. If you’re using too many products, it may contribute to the greasy looking buildup on your hair.

Consider minimizing the number of styling products you use on the first few days of your washing cycle. You can save the full product treatment for that last day before your big wash. If you’re a heavy product user, remember to apply that second wash and rinse of shampoo. This ensures your scalps and strands are completely free of product build-up.